Saturday, 5 November 2011

Lost Generation by jonathan reed

Lost Generation is a poem written by Jonathan Reed, originally appearing as an entrant in AARP's U@50 Video Contest. When first read, the poem seems to be a pessimistic monologue of the current generation, an echo of sentiments often found when looking at news reports and articles. The last line of the poem, and the presentation of the poem in the original video, suggests reading it in reverse. When read backwards the poem paints a polarizing view, showing a brighter interpretation of the future. The poem follows a read-and-reverse pattern. Jonathan Reed is a student at Georgia State University in Atlanta, Georgia. He is in his early twenties.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Windows logo + L to log off windows

I am quite sure that most of us go to start button and then to "shutdown" and finally click "log off". Well, it works fine. But we are more time conscious and we want to do every thing faster than ever and easier than ever.

Here is how we can log off without having to do what we use to do till today. It is much easier and faster. Just press and hold windows logo button and enter "L". Your windows will log off successfully.
Windows logo+ L to log off window
Click here for more windows tricks

Ctrl+Alt+Del to log on

I remember, in many of the computer labs, we are  required to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to log on. What could be the reason? Why do we need to do that? Can we do the same for our own system?

The reason is simple. Requiring to press Ctrl+Alt+Del provides an extra layer of security by implementing  a bit of 'human touch'.
Ctrl+Alt+Del to log on

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Make your computer speak what you type

Such tricks does not seems to be so important but it will always give you a plus point for your fun world. You can also impress others and if you are dad or mom, show it to your kids. I am now going to show how we can make your computer speak what ever we type using notepad. Follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Open a notepad and paste the following Visual basic script

Dim message, sapi
message=InputBox("What do you want me to say?","Speak to Me")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak message

Monday, 31 October 2011

Add cute flying twitter bird to your blog

As you can see, I have a cute twitter bird flying on my blog. This would help my visitors tweet my blog or follow me on twitter. So why don't you add one for your blog?

Create a hidden folder manually

This is my third post on how to hide and lock files and folders. Check lock your folder without any software ( it is done using notepad) and hide your files and folder and password protect using free software.

In this post, I am going to share how to create hidden folders in windows OS manually. This is done with the combination of two ideas, creating folder without any name and changing folder icon to blank space.

Step 1.Create the folder.

Step 2. Rename the folder to create nameless folder

Lock your folder without any software

In my previous post, I shared how to hide and password protect using free hide folder software which can be downloaded from here. In this post, I want to share how we can lock and password protect with notepad.

Open Notepad and copy and paste the following lines of code exactly.
title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==tenraj goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

Hide Your Files and Folders and Password Protect with Free Software

There are many reasons why we should hide or password protect some of the file and folders in our systems. We want to keep certain things secret or we want to hide some of our personal information from our friends and families. If you are parents you may find necessary to hide and password protect some of the files and folders from your children.

There are many ways to hide or password protect our files and folders but here I wanna share about one of  software which is very easy to install and very handy to use.It is free to download. You may also lock your files and folders using notepad.

Download folder hide software for free

This is a free software which can help you hide and password protect some of your files and folders on your system. It is very easy to install and handy to use. Please kindly read Hide Your Files and Folders and Password Protect with Free Software for instructions how to install and use it.

Create a desktop short cut to safely remove hardware devices

Every time you want to plugin any external storage media like USB/Memory Card, it is very important that you remove it safely so that the data inside it is safe. Most if the time we forget it. ou can create shortcut to safely remove hardware device on you Desktop which is more visible and can be easily used to remove the hardware devices.

Right click on your desktop. Click on 'new' and then on 'shortcut'.

Dirty jokes

I know many a times, many people hate to stick on the schedule of Monday. This is just because that everybody after a weekend's enjoyment and perfect repose feels drowsy n sleepy. I hate Monday too. Moreover, I do miss Monday's classes sometimes. Today also I missed morning classes just by not getting up early. It is absolutely not easy to get in time on Monday. I did not get anything important to do so I have just collected following jokes  from the Google to keep myself away from drowsiness.
 Pants Down

(1)...A Sex expert was once asked whether a rape is possible while running. No, he replied, woman can run faster with her skirt up than a man with his pants down. 

Sunday, 30 October 2011

sunday, 30 October was very short.......

On weekends, neither I do go to the bed early nor do I rise early. Today I thought it was very early for me to get away from my lovely bed. However, clock showed 1.30 pm (IST) already. Stretching my limbs and hugging my soft pillow, with my eyes still half opened, spent around 10 minutes leaning on the wall. As I peeped outside through the window glass, weather seemed damn scorching. Sun shined freakishly hot. Room was very warm it was making me feel drowsy. Ceiling Fan, the only cooling device in my room above me was wonderfully throwing me the soothing airs though. I stood up and set it to turn at high speed. I tried not to hit back to the bed.

20 Interesting facts about Tigers

Tiger is a great animal with lots of interesting facts, but still human are poaching and bringing down the tiger population.

Hell and the sinner

Boy(politely): What is there in between your legs? 
Girl(angrily) :Hell! Then what is  there in between your  legs?
Boy(laughing): Sinner... Who wants to go to hell.
Between legs

Truth or Dare game

Few days back, I, with my friends, right after BSA gathering, was there in Hyderabad city, popularly known to be the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. Coming to the fun, it was absolutely outstanding part of my living there with my friends. Enjoyment pictured out to be perfect. Particularly on 17, Monday night has amazingly proved to be the one of heartwarming incidents in my life. More than an hour, we were with Truth or Dare game. I would like to write something about my observations and experiences that I got after I played it for the first time.

Add posted by author line below the post title

By default, posted by author line appears the post but I think it is good to have the line just below the post title specially for the blogs having multiple authors. It is easy to do.

Add facebook like and share button for every post

Adding social share and like button to your websites and blogs definitely helps you to get more visitors and at the same time it allows the visitors to share what they like to others. It is not very difficult to add facebook like, share and comment buttons. You can easily do it by visiting Facebook Developers page here.

Interesting facebook chat

Today, everyone enjoys browsing one of the most easily accessible and world-famous websites, Facebook. It has numerous features and fascinating applications which people will always like to use it. Of all, who would not like to pass the time chatting in this website? To be frank I do enthusiastically like to sit around many hours chatting and connecting with my friends. Of many things I do in Facebook, I would like to say that I love chatting with people the most.
One fine day (I do not remember when it exactly happened), unexpectedly, I have just connected with my very old friend (my senior) through chat. Let me introduce him. He is Cheten Norbu and we call him simply cheten. He is quite a jocular person. In addition, I even do not remember what made us to talk about our past. We exchanged our experiences and happenings we had during our schooling days. It was interesting hearing about his childhood as a student. I would like to cover here exclusively about his schooldays.