Sunday, 30 October 2011

Truth or Dare game

Few days back, I, with my friends, right after BSA gathering, was there in Hyderabad city, popularly known to be the capital city of Andhra Pradesh. Coming to the fun, it was absolutely outstanding part of my living there with my friends. Enjoyment pictured out to be perfect. Particularly on 17, Monday night has amazingly proved to be the one of heartwarming incidents in my life. More than an hour, we were with Truth or Dare game. I would like to write something about my observations and experiences that I got after I played it for the first time.

group in quest of wine shops
(at midnight)
There are many games people play to either pass their time or refresh them. Often, in order to execute the game very successfully, many of the games required preparations, rehearsal and practice. Unlike any other games, Truth or Dare game is mostly played when people get drunk. It neither requires preparations nor it is hard to play. It is never a tough game. Just to form a circular group, spin the empty bottle. Whoever gets the head (pointed part) of bottle would get the questions from the spinner. Types of questions purely depend on either Truth or Dare chosen by the one who gets bottle pointed.  ‘Truth’ depicts that one has to disclose every truth according to the questioned asked. If one happens to choose ‘Dare’ he/she has to dare to do anything asked irrespective of gender, despite severity and awkwardness in the questions asked.

thirst is still not quenched
Very short moment after we dined, we, the small group of five have just gathered for the drinks, which we got in. Noticeably, all of us drank like a fish except my friend,TJ (name changed on request). Very little, he drank. Nevertheless, it seemed to me like he was being boozed even by yukky smell of kingfisher and vodka. Imbalance in body, mind and speech we talked nonsense. Much to my surprise, we burst into laughter with so many jokes and flashy flashbacks. Some playing with cell phones talking with unclear voices. It is true that Bhutanese speak English when they are drunk. We were speaking English throughout the play. Environment around us looked uncolored. Forming into circular group, somebody started spinning the bottle. Bottle pointed to my friend CT. He was bold enough to be with the Truth. I heard suddenly the very soft voice “Do you have a girl friend? Are you virgin?” That was the very question from the lady friend named SW. Yes, I remember he has a girl friend. However, I don’t exactly remember what he answered the latter.
returning home empty handed
Time after time, we did the same thing. All of us got the equal opportunity to spin the bottle as well as to choose either Truth or Dare. Coming to TJ’s opportunity, another dazzling lady asked him about his virginity. Haha Tshewang, shy boy that moment, little nervous to react. He laughed once. Sighed and answered, “Yes I am still a virgin. But I have girlfriend”. “Stupid guy.” She said. Another mind-blowing question I heard is question asking about the size. It could be suitable for asking size of anything. Boys became easy to say roughly the size of sexual organ when the girls asked. The drunkards started slowly going deeply dirty. It seemed normal even to ask about sex, masturbation, lovers, breakups, etc... Those with Dare were asked to dance, sing, demonstrate, act, display color of underwear, etc. shameful part is when one is asked to kiss the one sitting nearby. It is even hard to react when one is asked to choose one of girls listed by the questioner. Through this game, I am very sure that we would be able to learn more truths about the friends for questions are of open typed. We really had fun. Very interestingly, all secrets of friend were being disclosed and known to each other. As of me, I did play very dedicatedly and I didn’t even hide anything according to the questions I got.  I got one thing. Hereafter I would always prefer to choose only ‘Truth’. I found it is much better to go with truth than dare.
I would like to thank all my friends there in Hyderabad for their excellent hospitality and all my friends for their extraordinary cooperation. Happy moments are the moments when I am with you people, my friends. Moreover, I shall not forget to look forward for such enjoyable moments hereafter.

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